Dear Residents,

As we informed you in our last circular, construction work is now allowed during GCQ. For over a month now, the Building and Construction Committee has been working with Contractors with projects inside our village to come out with guidelines that will allow construction projects to resume and at the same time, protect our residents from the spread of the Covid19 virus. New requirements specific to protection against Covid 19 are now required. These new guidelines have been distributed to concerned parties. Below is information to guide you:

  • Before any work can commence, each Contractor must submit a Project Plan detailing how they will comply with the new guidelines.
  • Each jobsite will have a Safety Officer who will be in charge of implementing the Covid19 guidelines. He will be DVA’s contact person and he will be responsible for sending DVA a Daily Report on compliance.
  • On Monday, June 8, projects with submitted Project Plans will be allowed to send 3 workers plus the Safety Officer to enter the jobsite. They will not begin any construction work but will make changes to the jobsite to comply with our guidelines. This preparatory work include clearing debris accumulated over the past few months, putting stainless steel wash basins near the project entrance, providing shower facilities, putting up hand sanitizing stations and installing foot baths.
  • Towards the end of GCQ and as we enter MGCQ, actual construction work will most likely begin (again, as long as the Project Plans have been reviewed, approved and the jobsite inspected). Each jobsite will now have a maximum number of workers based on the size of the project. Only 1 worker will be allowed per 50 sqm of space. We estimate that this will reduce the number of construction related personnel entering DV from about 2200 prior to ECQ down to several hundred personnel.
  • To reduce potential congestion around our gate areas, construction related vehicles and personnel will be allowed to enter starting at 6 AM. Each jobsite will be assigned the nearest gate to them as their sole entry/exit point. All their vehicles and wokers must pass this particular gate and follow a specified route directly from the gate to the jobsite and back when they exit. All workers MUST wear color coded shirts for easy monitoring on the routes they are taking.
  • DVA has supplemented our Security Guard contingent with an additional 8-12 guards whose purpose is to monitor compliance. They will visit each jobsite at least 2 times a day to ensure compliance. Furthermore, they will also make sure that workers stay inside the construction site during the 8 AM to 5 PM period. The color coded shirts should make monitoring this easier.
  • At the moment, no new projects will be allowed to start. The guidelines are constantly reviewed and will be amended based on many factors especially additional guidelines from IATF.

Thank you very much and we hope for your continued cooperation.

DVA Management
