Dear Members:

Notice is hereby given that the annual virtual meeting via ZOOM Conference of the members of
the Dasmarifias Village Association, Inc. (“DVA”) will be held on Sunday, 12 March 2023 at 4:00 p.m.
in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association,

Please find below the Agenda for the said meeting.

1, Call to Order

  1. Determination of Quorum.
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Last Annual Meeting
  3. Approval of 2022 Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements!
  4. Ratification of Acts of the Board of Governors
  5. Election of Governors
  6. Canvassing
  7. Declaration of the Results of the Voting
  8. Other Matters
  9. Adjournment

ir Ang
Corporate Secretary


If you are unable to attend the virtual meeting, kindly send your duly accomplished proxy form to DVA
Office and submit the same to the DVA Secretary, not later than 5:00 pm, Monday, March 6, 2023.

‘The meeting shall be conducted by Zoom videoconference. DVA reserves the right to disable video and
Use only audio to improve the quality of the connection.

Members (or proxy holders) who wish to attend the meeting may register by submitting to the DVA
Secretary (through the email address indicated above), no later than 5:00 pm, Monday, March 6, 2023,

2.copy of his or her valid government issued photo ID, contact number, and email address.

After registration, DVA will send a confirmation email with the ZOOM link invitation to the meeting.

Voting shall be conducted in the manner described in the DVA Election Rules for the 2023 Annual General
Membership Meeting, which shall be distributed together with the Notice. The email address of the
‘Committee on Elections is included in the DVA Election Rules.

‘ The Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements shal be distributed at least 15 days prior to the Annual Meeting