- Section 1. Accounts, Fines, Penalties and their Interests
- Section 2. Traffic Regulations
- Section 3. Security Control
- Section 4. Environment and Sanitation
- Section 5. Prohibited Activities in the Village
- Section 6. Use of village facilities
- Section 7. Garbage Collection, Disposal and Fees
- Section 8. General Cleanliness & Safety
- Section 9. Police Protection
- Section 10. Noise & Public Nuisance
- Section 11. Sightseeing
- Section 12. Miscellaneous Provisions
The owner of the lot/s or his successor in interest is required to be and is automatically a member of the Dasmariñas Village Association and must abide by such rules and regulations laid down by the Association. The Association will also provide for and collect assessments which will constitute a lien on the property junior only to liens of government for taxes and to voluntary mortgages for sufficient consideration entered into in good faith. All new owners of a property located within Dasmarinas Village shall be required to pay a one-time registration fee of ₱30,000.00.
II.1. Lots may not be subdivided; however, three or more lots may be consolidated and subdivided into a lesser number of lots, provided that none of the resulting lots be smaller in area than the smallest lot before consolidation, and the consolidation and subdivision plan be duly approved by the governing body of the Dasmariñas Village Association and the Land Registration Commission and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Makati City.
II.2. Lots shall be used only for residential purposes.
II.3. Only one single family house may be constructed on a single lot.
II.4. The lots shall not be used for immoral or illegal trade or activity.
Section 1. Term Restrictions. The Deed of Restrictions shall remain in force during the life of the Association for 50 years from January 1, 1965, unless sooner cancelled in its entirety by two-thirds (2/3) votes of the members in good standing of the Dasmariñas Village Association. However, the Association may, from time to time add new ones, amend or abolish, particular building and architectural restrictions only or parts thereof by majority rule. The fifty (50) year corporate life of the Association expired in January 1, 2015 but was extended for another twenty- five (25) years by a vote of members during the Annual General Membership Meeting held in March 13, 2011.
Section 2. Interpretation of Restrictions. Where there appears to be any conflict in the interpretation of these restrictions, the interpretation will be made by the Board of Governors. Regulations referring to construction on easements will be constructed strictly in favor of keeping easement areas as free from structures as possible. The decision of the Board of Governors shall be final and such decision will become part of the Building Regulations.
Section 3. Enforcement of Restriction. The Deed of Restrictions may be enjoined and/or enforced through court action by the Dasmariñas Village Association or by the Ayala Corporation or its assigns, or by any registered owner of land within the boundaries of the Dasmariñas Village or by any member in good standing of the Dasmariñas Village Association.
1.1 Site Condition. The Architect-in-record and the third-party consultant shall conduct an ocular inspection of the lot to be well acquainted with the orientation, boundaries, site condition, violation(s) of existing structure on the lot, if any and the surroundings of the property particularly the appurtenances, public utility and public road right-of-way or street of the village. Moreover, the lot Owner and the Architect-of-record must secure a copy of the DVA Deed Restrictions, these are insights which the Owner and the Architect-in-record may use as guide for a feasibility study in preparation of applied design and detailed drawings of a complete residential building plans.
1.2 Submission of Plans
1.2.1 Number of plans and details needed. Submit four (4) sets of plans signed by the Owner and signed and sealed by corresponding Professionals for architectural, structural, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical plans. All building plans submitted to the Association are subject to action and approval by the Building and Construction Committee and/or the Board of Governors before commencement of constructions.
The four (4) sets of architectural plans shall include:
- Location plan
- Vicinity map
- Perspective
- Site development plan
- Floor plans
- Roof plan
- Front, right side, left side, and rear elevations
- Sections
- Plan and elevation of wall fences
- Sidewalk and driveway plan and details One (1) set of the following for the Association’s file:
- Photocopy of IAPOA Certificate (Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects)
- Professional Registration Commission I.D.
- Professional Tax Receipt (PTR)
- E-file copy of Architectural and Engineering Plans
- Certification/Accreditation from Philippine Contractors Association
1.2.2 Approved Plans. Approved building plans shall not be changed, altered or modified without prior approval of the Building Committee and the construction shall be done strictly in accordance with the approved plans.
Approved plans shall be kept at the construction site at all times to enable the Association and/or the Owner or Contractor or any of their duly authorized representative to check and determine as well as to ensure compliance with the cautionary notices appearing on the plans and the restrictions encumbering the property.
A fine of ₱500.00 shall be imposed every time the approved plan is not available at the site when the Architect or DVA officials conduct the inspection which shall be deducted from the cash bond.
1.2.3 The plans submitted should conform with the Guidelines for Single Family House “Only One Single Family House May Be Constructed on A Single Lot”:
- The building plans must have one (1) main entrance of the house.
- One (1) Meralco meter connecting to one (1) main entrance of the house.
- One (1) main living room.
- One (1) main dining room.
- One (1) main kitchen maybe connected to one (1) dirty kitchen adjoining each other with interconnecting door
- One (1) driver’s quarter.
- One (1) maid’s quarter.
- The over-all plan must clearly show it is “A Single-Family House”.
1.3 Building Materials. All buildings must be of strong materials and of the type of architecture that is in harmony with the surrounding landscape and homes of the vicinity.
1.4 Building Height. Buildings shall not be higher than ten (10) meters measured from the highest sidewalk level fronting the lot up to the apex of the roof. Benchmark and corresponding data shall be provided measured from the highest sidewalk level fronting the lot and shall be marked / painted at strategically located column and/or walls to determine actual height of the building structure per floor level up to the apex of the roof.
Any building with an elevator or lift system will be allowed an additional one (1) meter for the mechanical shaft room measured from the apex of the roof. Mechanical shaft room must be located at the rear side of the apex of the roof with clear inside dimensions of not more than one by one meter or an area of one square meter. The rule for the height of the building is governed by the provisions in Article 4 Section 1.4.
For structures with a flat deck design, prior the approval of the flat deck structure, the DVA Board of Governors and immediate property neighbors will review the design perspectives, and within 14 calendar days, may request the inclusion of the following architectural features for approval:1
- Balcony
- Eaves / canopy / ledge
- Wall claddings
No alteration on the core structure or internal layout of the house will be allowed.
1.5 Landscaping and/or Grading. All landscaping and/or grading of individual lots must be clearly indicated on the plan of the proposed building, showing the original ground line of said lots at the time of purchase from the realty company as reference level. Any change or deviation from said original ground level is subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, whose decision shall be final, however, such approval shall primarily be based on a comparative study of the ground level of surrounding lots.
1.5.1 Filling. Filling of the lots is allowed, provided that it does not exceed a height of two meters (2.00 m)2 from the highest sidewalk level in front of the property, in order to allow the natural flow of water to the main drainage line. Additionally, drainage and other facilities must be installed to prevent water from seeping into adjacent lots.
1.6 Minimum Cost of Building. Minimum cost of the main residence of a lot shall not be less than twelve million pesos ₱12,000,000.00 but this figure may be adjusted by the Association from time to time.
1.7 Easement (Unroofed Walls, Trellises, Etc.) The property is subject to an easement of two (2) meters within the lot and adjacent to the rear and sides thereof not fronting a street for the purpose of drainage, sewage water and other public utilities as may be necessary and desirable and the Owner, Lessee or his representative shall permit access thereto by authorized representatives of the Dasmariñas Village Association or public entities for the purpose of which the easement is created. If the owner wishes to erect such structures (i.e. unroofed walls, trellises and other similar structures) not exceeding two (2) meters in height or plant trees within the easement zone, he can do so with the clear understanding that if such plants or structures should interfere with the purpose of the easement, either present or future, the easement’s rights take precedence over his, and he may be required to remove the structures or plants at his own expense.
1.8 Setback. Distance of residential buildings from the boundary lines in the three (3) districts comprising the Village varies in proportion to their sizes and locations as follows:
1.8.1 LOWLAND PARK DISTRICT. All buildings including garage, servants’ quarters or parts thereof (covered terraces) must be constructed at a distance of not less than ten meters (10 m.) from the boundaries fronting a street, and at least two meters (2 m.) from the boundaries not fronting a street to be measured from the said boundaries to the nearest finished wall, column, or projection of the building.
Lots bounded by Palm Avenue, Banyan, Paraiso and Pasay Road whose similar in sizes to the MIDLAND PARK DISTRICT Lots, shall be reclassified as part of the MIDLAND PARK DISTRICT and subjected to the same MIDLAND PARK DISTRICT restrictions.
1.8.2 MIDLAND PARK DISTRICT – All buildings including garage, servants’ quarters or parts thereof (covered terraces, porte cochere, etc.) must be constructed at a distance of not less than five meters (5m.) from the boundary fronting a street, measured from the property line to the nearest finished wall, column, or any projection of the building, and at least two (2) meters from the other boundaries not fronting a street, measured from the property line to the nearest finished wall, column, or projection of the building. Carports shall be allowed up to two meters (2m) from the property line fronting a street provided said carport will have no post and will only be used for parking purposes.
Flat deck buildings must be constructed at a distance of not less than five meters (5m) from the boundary fronting street, measured from the property line to the nearest finished wall or column or any projection of the building, and at least three meters (3.0m) from the base of structure to the property line on the sides not fronting a street.3
1.8.3 HIGHLAND PARK DISTRICT. All buildings, including garage, servants’ quarters or parts thereof (covered terraces, porte cochere, etc.) must be constructed at a distance of not less than three meters (3m.) from the boundary fronting a street, measured from the property line to the nearest finished wall or column, or any projection from said wall or column, and at least two (2) meters from the other boundaries not fronting a street, measured from the property line to the nearest finished wall or column. Outside edge of roofs and/or eaves of the building must be at a distance of not less than one and a half meters (1.50 m.) from the property line.
Beam supported by a column shall be allowed up to the property line but shall not exceed the height of the second-floor slab level. Said space should not have structure on top of it and will be allowed only to create additional parking space.
Any space within the property that has been approved by DVA as a vehicle parking shall not be used for any other purpose that will render said space unavailable to park vehicle of the resident or/and of his guest.
1.9 Excavation Plan for Basement. Provide one (1) meter setback measured from the property line on all basement perimeter walls and excavation works for all house construction with a basement level. Owner/ Contractor shall submit to DVA a geotechnical report and excavation plan. The excavation plan must indicate the soil protection details and excavation methodology. The said reports must be certified by a structural designer. DVA if in doubt with the submitted documents may have the option to hire a third-party consultant to review and re-evaluate the submitted excavation plan. The Owner/Contractor will be furnished with the said report. The cost rendered to hire the third-party consultant will be shouldered by the Owner/Contractor. However, the Owner/Contractor will be notified first with the professional fee of the third-party consultant prior to review. The Owner/Contractor shall maintain the full responsibility of protecting the adjacent structures. When damage to property occurs excavation, works must be stopped immediately until damage is rectified. In case any injury and/or damage that may result from excavation works done and basement constructed, the property Owner shall be solely liable and responsible to answer for any such injury and /or damage even outside their property. Violation of the one-meter (1.00 m.) setback and excavation provision shall result to forfeiture of the construction bond and DVA may impose other penalties it may deem fair and reasonable under the circumstances.
1.9.1 Excavation shall be allowed up to the property line only for the sole purpose of better access to basement to allow property owners to comply with the minimum requirement for parking spaces. However, prior to excavation, the property owner and/or contractor shall be required to submit structural plan and a construction methodology subject to approval of DVA.
1.9.2 Excavation Methodology / Soil Slope Protection. All building excavations with vertical cut 2.0 meters or greater in depth and 2.0 meters or less distance from the property line must be provided with temporary supports/shoring based on the following: Excavation shall be done in segments along any gridline and not to exceed 6.0 meters per segment. To secure soil stability, upon reaching the depth of 1.50 meters from the natural ground line install metal decking panels provided with diagonal anchor ties or round bars diagonally driven outward into the ground at regular intervals sufficient to hold the panels in place. If necessary, additional vertical and horizontal struts attached to the panels may also be provided. This temporary protection shall be maintained until such time that the foundation structure including walls/columns have been concreted up to the natural ground level. Excavation for isolated column and wall footings at more than 2.0 meters away from property lines but with depth of more than 2.0 meters shall also be provided with temporary support as described above or sloped at 37 degrees (4 vertical to 3 horizontal).
1.9.3 Stockpile of Construction Materials / Loose Soil. To avoid superimposed loading on areas adjoining vertical excavations, construction materials or excavated loose soil shall be stockpiled not less than 2.0 meters from the excavation line.
1.10 Basement Ventilation. To protect from molds, moisture and to improve the basement air quality, installation of exhaust fans and ventilation pipes shall be allowed within one (1) meter setback but the height cannot exceed to one (1) meter.
1.11 Cantilevered Overhang, Etc. Within 10-Meter Setback. No part of any cantilevered overhang slab and/or roof of a carport and/or porte cochere from the building line shall be allowed within five meters (5 m.) measured from the property line fronting a street, in the case of Lowland Park District only.
1.12 Percentage of Lot Area for Buildings at Lowland Park District. In case of houses in Lowland Park District the total area of the lot to be devoted to buildings shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total area of the lot. The 30% building footprint restriction shall be applied to all permanent roofed structures, including roofed terraces, porte cocheres, balconies, covered bathhouses, cabanas, gyms, pavilions, servants’ quarters, garage and storage rooms. The total building area shall include areas at the second floor or higher floors which extend beyond the limit of the walls on the ground floor level. In the case of basement levels, the total area shall not exceed forty percent (40%) of the total area of the lot. In case of interior garden with open roof or a courtyard, the area of said interior garden or courtyard will not be included as a part of the building area, provided that no trellises, roofed trusses, or other structural member are constructed which may later on be used to support a roofing.
1.13 Offensive-To-Sight Structures. No structure which is not physically contiguous to a residential building may be constructed that is offensive-to-sight, such as a water tank tower and the like, in which event such a structure if exceeding two (2) meters in height from the original ground level but not higher than the second-floor slab may be constructed but not within setbacks.
1.13.1 Flagpoles. Flagpoles are allowed only in properties used as official residence of officials of foreign embassies and shall not exceed five (5) meters in height and made of strong materials and can withstand strong winds. The member/resident shall be solely responsible in case of injury or damage to property in case the flagpole collapses.
1.13.2 Service Pole and Post.
- No pole, post, or any kind of structure destined to support electric, telephone lines, or any other connections shall be installed unless expressly authorized by the Board.
- The Association reserves the right to have service poles and posts placed and located in such a manner as not to detract from the aesthetics and overall physical beauty of the surroundings.
- The service/utility company is required to comply with the prescribed standard/model way of installing service poles as well as stringing wires, lines and cables.
- Violation of any of the above provisions will be fined or penalized by the Association as it may deem appropriate.
- Service entrance of electricity, phones, CATV, and the like shall be erected and installed with the minimum heights of 18 feet or 5.49 meters if the residence to be served is on the opposite side where the lines, cables and wires run and with minimum height of 14 feet or 4.27 meters on the same side.
- The lines, wires and cables must be entered or connected to service entrance within one foot or 0.3 meters from the only and shall not be any lower.
- Failure of any public utility company to comply and observe requirements, restrictions, regulations, and mandates appertaining to them will be fined/penalized and dealt accordingly.
1.13.3 Other Structures. Other structures which are not physically contiguous to a residential building such as screened and unroofed greenhouses, cisterns, water tanks and reservoir, water pump and pressure tank room, and swimming pool filter and pump room may be allowed within the two-meter (2.00 m.) setback provided that the following requirements are observed:
- Plans for such structures are first submitted to the Association for approval. The Dasmariñas Village Association shall require such plans to be made and signed by a Structural or Civil Engineer to ensure structural adequacy and safety.
- The maximum height for above the ground water tanks and reservoirs, pump houses for booster pumps shall not exceed 2 meters; screened and unroofed greenhouses at three (3) meters high. Swimming pool must be constructed at a distance of not less than two meters (2m) measured from the water line up to the property line on all sides of the property.
- That the Dasmariñas Village Association shall not be held responsible or co-liable for any damage/s of life or lives, should such structure fall, whether by accident or fortuitous event or force majeure, or for any other causes.
- Provided finally that the provision of Article IV Section 1.7 (“Easement”) of the Deed Restrictions shall be strictly observed.
1.14 Guard Houses. Guard houses inside residential lots shall not be covered by the setback restrictions and the 30%-building footprint restriction, in the case of Lowland Park District. Such structures should already include provisions within the allowable size, such as toilet, locker area, etc. The maximum height shall not exceed two (2) meters measured from the original ground level. For the Highland District, area is to be limited to two meters (2.00 m.) by two meters (2.00 m.) or a maximum floor area of four-square meters (4.00 m.). For the Midland and Lowland District, area is to be limited to three (3) meters by three (3) meters or a total or nine square meters.
1.15 Generator Set. In order to reduce the noise, vibration and pollution levels caused by generator sets which to date has become a source of quarrels and complaints amongst neighbors, the following rules and regulations, based on our National Pollution Laws, are hereby promulgated by the Association:
1.15.1 No Generator set shall be installed without prior permit from the DVA. All applications must specify the type (silent or sound proof), kind and specifications of the Generator set and identify the proposed location. Only generator sets that comply with the noise, vibration and pollution levels fixed by the National Pollution Laws will be authorized in accordance with laws.
1.15.2 The plans indicating the location of the proposed generator set and complete specifications showing the type of housing to be provided should be submitted.
1.15.3 The applicant shall be required to post fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) cash deposit, refundable after the installation of the generator set, if found in conformity with the building rules and requirements of the Association. An inspection fee of three thousand pesos (₱3,000.00) will also be charged to cover processing of the plans and inspection services to be made before and after the installation of the generator set.
1.15.4 The generator set must be provided with proper housing with insulation to reduce the noise level.
1.15.5 The generator set should be provided with adequate muffler and exhaust piping system which height must be 0.3 m higher than the roofline of the immediate neighbor to eliminate pollution around the neighborhood.
1.15.6 The attached form shall be accomplished to provide all the information and required data regarding the generator set.
1.15.7 The generator set cannot be constructed within the easement zone.
1.16 Booster Pumps. The installation of booster water pumps directly to the water pipeline is prohibited. Such booster pumps are allowed provided that the water is allowed to flow freely on its own power to water tanks and the booster pumps are installed from the water tanks to the residence. The installation of water storage tanks is encouraged with prior approval of the Association.
1.17 Driveway. The Architect-of-record shall ensure that the location of the driveway and pedestrian gate, if any, do not obstruct the existing tree(s). Driveways intersecting the sidewalk must be so proportionally constructed a ramp pavement that connects the sidewalk with the driveway level. The maximum allowable difference in elevation between the sidewalk pavement and driveway is 7 cm. with a slope of 2% of the width.
1.18 Sidewalks. All sidewalks shall conform to the existing finish (concrete) of sidewalk level in accordance with DVA standards and specifications. No sidewalks or parts thereof shall be touched without the prior approval of DVA.
1.19 Pedestrian Gates and Vehicular Entrance/Exit
1.19.1 No vehicular entrance or exit shall be allowed along circular curves at street intersections, including lot areas adjacent to McKinley Road from the junction of Banyan Road to the EDSA as well as all properties adjacent to highways (Epifanio de los Santos). Construction of a third gate shall be allowed not only at the corner lots but also in inner lots as long as it leads to additional parking, and it is for justifiable and acceptable reason.
1.19.2 For security reasons, there shall be no pedestrian gates allowed on lots backing EDSA and McKinley Road.
1.19.3 In the case of building constructions, renovations, etc. the Builder/Architect must plan and see to it that the location of the driveway and pedestrian gate do not obstruct the existing tree(s) along the sidewalk opposite the lot, in order to preserve the tree(s).
1.20 Wall fences on periphery of Village. Owners of perimeter lots bordering the outer limits of the Village are required for mutual security, to erect at least two-meter (2.00 m.) but not higher than five-meter (5.00 m.) masonry fence measured from the highest point of sidewalk along EDSA on sides backing EDSA. For lots backing the Maricaban Creek, minimum height of masonry fence shall be two meters (2.00m.) but not higher than five meters (5.00 m.) measured from the highest point of sidewalk fronting the property. For lots backing McKinley Road, minimum height of masonry fence shall be two meters (2.00 m.) but not higher than three meters (3.00 m.) measured from the highest point of sidewalk along McKinley Road.
1.20.1 It is however, allowed for security reasons that an additional two-meter (2.00 m.) high cyclone wire fence, steel or wooden fence or approved equivalent be installed atop said masonry wall fence on the sides of the lots immediately adjacent to Maricaban creek or Boundary of Dasmarinas Village, including those adjacent to McKinley Road and EDSA.
1.21 Perimeter fence
1.21.1 Walls on the perimeter of property shall not exceed 2 meters in height measured from the highest point of sidewalk.
1.21.2 In the event of any differences in height between the sidewalk and the lot level, the difference in height up to the lot level shall be considered as a retaining wall and the limitation on the fence shall begin from the top of the retaining wall.
1.21.3 Additional non-Mansory fence4
- PVC, Steel, Cyclone wires and Roller barrier on top of concrete wall are permissible only at the rear and side boundaries.
- PVC, Steel, Cyclone wires and Roller barrier are limited to another 2-meters high, measured from atop the existing allowable property wall.
- Wooden fence should be of louver type solid wood “S4S” kiln dried Yakal, Mahogany or Narra.
- Resident must submit non-masonry fence perimeter plan, elevations, section drawings with dimensions in meters duly signed/sealed by an Architect or Civil Engineer designer with corresponding approval signed by the Owner.
- Non-masonry fence plans must have the DVA approval prior to the installation thereof.
- Installation of additional non-masonry fence must have the written consent of affected neighbors.
- Non-masonry fence must not exceed four (4) meters height measured from the highest sidewalk level fronting the lot.
- Wooden fence in all respect must be treated with fire retardant and anti-termite wood preservatives.
- Wooden fence must have the accepted varnish and/or painted finish only and wooden fence must have an accepted “Mahogany” wood stained finish only.
- A refundable ₱50,000.00 guaranty deposit and ₱3,000.00 processing and inspection fee must be paid upon application and approval of fence plan.
- After 30 days, the guaranty deposit will be refunded if no violations are noted within the property after inspection by DVA authorized representative.
- In all cases, guaranty deposit upon submission of written request from the property owner will be refunded only upon inspection and approval of DVA.
- However, DVA reserves the right to make an inspection of the property even if the guaranty deposit has already been refunded to ensure that the Building Rules and Regulations are strictly followed and no building violation are committed after the deposit has been fully released. If a violation, DVA has the right to impose appropriate penalty and/or require the property owner to rectify the violation.
1.22 Utilities and Appurtenances. The Architect-of-record shall ensure that the location of the driveway and pedestrian gate, if any, do not obstruct utility post and street drainage outlets along the sidewalk and street gutter opposite the property, in order to preserve such appurtenances.
1.22.1 Provide grease trap connected to all kitchen sink(s) and/or wash basin to prevent clogging of pipes.
1.22.2 The exact location and inverts of all existing utility lines before construction shall be verified and no tapping is allowed without the required permits from local authorities concerned.
1.22.3 Permit for electrical, water and sewer services connections from local authorities concerned shall be secured by the owner and/or the contractor.
1.22.4 Boring and/or digging holes through street curb and gutter for drainage purposes shall not be allowed and storm water and drainage lines shall be drained into the village drainage line.
1.22.5 Excavation fees (Sewer, Drainage, Water line tapping) ₱900.00 per linear meter*
1.23 Digging of Wells. Digging of wells in any lot is prohibited in order not to affect or deplete the water level in the area upon which the members and the residents at large depend for their water supply through the deep wells of the Association and/or Metropolitan Waterworks & Sewerage System.
1.24 Sewage Disposal. Sewage disposal must be coursed through the centralized sewage system that is owned and maintained by the Manila Water Company Inc. (MWCI).
1.25 Drainage. Domestic water, except that used for watering gardens, must be disposed of through the sewage system; however, water from the garage may be drained either to the sewage system or directly into any available underground storm drainage line. In no case shall any domestic water except that use for watering gardens, be drained to street gutters.
1.26 Parking.
1.26.1 New house construction shall be required to provide a number of parking spaces based on the floor area of the house to be constructed:
700 SQ.M. | 4 car spaces |
701 to 900 SQ.M. | 5 car spaces |
901 to 1,100 SQ.M. | 6 car spaces |
1,101 to 1,400 SQ.M. | 7 car spaces |
1,401 SQ.M. and above | 8 car spaces |
1.26.2. No renovations or alterations shall be allowed on existing houses that would reduce the number of parking spaces inside the property to less than the minimum number of parking spaces set forth in Section 1.25.1.
1.27 Solar Collectors (New)5
A solar collector shall utilize materials that are designed to maximize absorption and minimize reflection or solar glare. If installed on a pitched roof, the same shall lie flat on the roof and be placed so that the edges are parallel and perpendicular to the roof ridge and edges. No part of the installation should be visible from the ridge line. Collector frames shall be placed so that they are away from public view and/or shall be harmoniously integrated with the property or the topography if installed at the side of the property or at the ground level.
Support brackets, collector frames and exposed pipes shall be painted the same color as the roof. Pipes, wires and control devices shall be concealed. Batteries, inverters, timers and other appurtenances shall be mounted inside the property within the setback requirements.
At all times, the owner shall safeguard that the solar collector as well as all its components such as cells, modules, panels, arrays and the like are properly secured to ensure the soundness and safety not only of the property to which they are attached but also of other properties, as well as the safety of any individual in and around the Dasmarinas Village.

A. New construction, renovation, demolition. Application for work permits on new house construction, renovation and demolition shall be implemented in to phase, to wit:
A.1 Phase 1 “Pre-construction/renovation/demolition Work Permit”. This phase will involve submission, completion and compliance with pre-construction, renovation and demolition requirements such as:
- new house construction and/or renovation plans for review and approval of DVA,
- duly filled-up application form,
- payment of corresponding construction/renovation/demolition guaranty cash bond, processing and inspection fees,
- provision of the following at the construction/renovation/demolition jobsite:
- fence around the site in accordance with DVA standard (Sec. 4 paragraph 5.1 of DVA Building Rules and Regulations)
- toilet facilities for construction workers’ use
- at least four (4) units of covered garbage bins with plastic bag inside wherein food scraps must be kept to prevent the spread of insects.
- toilet tapped to main centralized sewer system for construction worker’s use.
A.2 Phase II “Notice to Proceed Work Permit”. This phase involves the mobilization of people and equipment in preparation for the actual construction/renovation/demolition works. “Notice to proceed work permit shall only be processed upon full compliance with all the requirements mentioned in section 2 paragraph A.1 above”.
B. Miscellaneous Works. Include minor works such as any of the following:
- Installation of generator set
- Construction of fence
- Additional structure on existing building, including swimming pool
- Repainting, masonry, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, landscaping and waterproofing.
For the above miscellaneous works, the requirements are as follows:
- duly filled-up application form
- payment of corresponding cash bond, processing and inspection fees.
3.1 Undertaking by Owner and Contractor for the Construction. The owner of the construction of the house will undertake the following terms and conditions:
3.1.1 That the Owner authorizes the Dasmariñas Village Association through its representatives, building inspectors, agents and/or security guards, to enter the construction site during the construction of the above residential house for purposes of inspection and enforcement of the Rules and Regulations of the Village.
3.1.2 That the Owner likewise authorizes the Dasmariñas Village Association, through its representatives, agents and/or security guards, to stop the construction of said residential house in case of violations of the Rules and Regulations of the Village and/or in case of deviation from the building plans and specifications as approved by the Building & Construction Committee; and that he/she undertakes at his/her expense, all necessary corrections, alterations, or changes that may be ordered by the Association.
3.1.3 To be responsible for the discipline and control of the construction workers; warrant that they have no past criminal records; to change laborers or construction workers who misbehaved or violated the rules and regulations of the Association, upon request of the latter and to be solidarily liable civilly, with the laborers, to the Association for any damages and losses from offenses, e.g.: theft, that may be committed by said laborers within the Village.
3.1.4 Gambling, bringing and drinking liquor at the jobsite inside the village is strictly prohibited by the Association. Building owners, contractors and/or builders are enjoined to see to it that their laborers/concessionaires and/or outsiders are restricted from gambling, bring and drinking liquor in the construction site. Any person in the construction site caught or apprehended gambling, drinking and using of illegal drugs will be banned entry into the Village and contractor shall be fined accordingly.
3.1.5 The Contractor recognizes that a violation of the construction rules and regulations and/or deviation from the original plans as approved by the Building & Construction Committee will authorize the Dasmariñas Village Association to deny future approval of construction to be undertaken by said violating contractor.
3.1.6 The Owner and/or Contractor hereby undertakes that in case of sale of the property or change of Contractor, the new buyer or new contractor thereof will, with the approval of the Association, assume all the undertakings contained in this Agreement. Otherwise, they shall continue to be responsible for the same.
3.1.7 To comply strictly with the building, sanitation, health and garbage regulations of the Village during the construction and for such purpose, the owner and/or contractor shall pay a special garbage fee as may be fixed by the Board of Governors upon submission of the plans and a Guarantee deposit shall be filed to guarantee compliance with the same subject to the condition that, if such regulations are not violated, then the Guarantee Deposit will be returned to the owner; otherwise, the same shall be deemed confiscated and will be used by the Dasmariñas Village Association to implement such sanitation, health and garbage regulations.
3.1.8 Construction guidelines will be furnished to the owner beforehand; that the pictures will be taken during inspection; and that the submission of complete as-built plans to Dasmariñas Village Association for newly constructed and renovated houses with a certificate that the subject plans correctly describe the house and are in accordance with the DVA Building Rules and Regulations; and that said owner undertakes to correct or allow the correction of violations on the premises upon notice from the DVA.
3.1.9 The Owner undertakes to be solidarily liable to the Association for whatever damages that may be caused by violation of any of the terms and conditions of the Undertaking. Any damage to any and all property of Dasmariñas Village Association, Inc. incidental to the construction, renovation and repair of the property shall be repaired immediately and made good to the satisfaction of the Association at Owner’s sole expense. Owner shall rectify and/or repair any damage within (5) days upon re ceipt of notice thereof. Should the owner fail to comply, DVA shall make the necessary correction and repair, the cost of which shall be for the account of the owner and deducted from any guaranty deposit.
3.1.10 The owner hereby undertakes that if any additions or alterations are made to the property or structures outside the originally approved construction plans as submitted, the owner shall be liable to DVA for a fine of ₱50,000.00 for every month that the violation remains uncorrected to the satisfaction of DVA. The fine shall constitute a lien on the property until fully settled.
4.1 Permits, Uniforms and Gate Passes of Workers
4.1.1 Construction Uniforms. Workers/laborers must be in construction dress code anytime they are within the DVA. Owner/Contractor should take into consideration the weather, state of the site and the hazards it presents as well the specific work task of the worker when considering what to wear. Shorts, sleeveless shirts and slippers are not allowed. A fine of ₱500.00 shall be imposed per person/incident which will be deducted from the construction bond.
4.1.2 No entry of construction materials and laborers shall be allowed unless all necessary documents are first forwarded to the Association in order to ensure compliance with the construction rules. Gate passes shall be required for all workers employed, the same to be issued at the Security Office upon approval by the Architect/Inspector and must be renewed. Requirements for securing a regular I.D. include valid NBI clearance and the prescribed minimal fee.
4.1.3 Any minor maintenance / repair work which could be finished within six (6) working days by not more than four (4) workers shall be required to secure the 4.7 Policy permit and temporary gate passes for workers.
4.1.4 Vendors and “tiendas” are prohibited in the Village, however, cooks with express authorization from the Association upon proper request of the Builder / Contractor may be allowed to cook and cater for the laborers within the respective construction sites. They will be instructed not to scatter food, wrappers, peelings, left-over and any form of litter which make the jobsite, sidewalk and street dirty, unsightly and unsanitary.
4.2 Delivery of Materials. Entrance Fees of Delivery Trucks/Containerized Vans. The fees are charged to all 20/40-footer containerized vans, concrete transit-mix trucks, 10-wheeler and trucks enumerated below before entry into the Village.
4-wheeler dump trucks | ₱ 1,500.00 per truck |
6-8-wheeler trucks | ₱ 3,000.00 per truck |
10-14-wheeler trucks | ₱ 5,000.00 per truck |
Trailers/Concrete mixers | ₱ 5,000.00 per truck |
The following penalties shall be imposed to all delivery/hauler trucks entering the village without trip tickets:
For deliveries to new construction, major and minor renovation and demolition projects | ₱1,000.00 |
For deliveries to miscellaneous works and repainting jobs | ₱500.00 |
4.2.1 A written request for overtime deliveries shall be submitted to the Association office for approval. Overtime deliveries are allowed Mondays to Saturdays until 11:00 P.M. only. Delivery trucks including container vans shall be inside the Village by 10:30 P.M. at the latest and must leave immediately after unloading the delivery. No delivery trucks will be allowed on the streets after 11:00 P.M. However, delivery trucks will be allowed to park inside the property but delivery personnel must leave the premises.
4.2.2 Trucks and other carriers carrying construction materials to the construction site shall not be driven o nto the sidewalk pavement without adequate plank support. Any damage to the street or sidewalk shall be the direct responsibility of the homeowner and shall be repaired by them or by the Association at the homeowner’s expense.
4.2.3 Drivers of delivery trucks or vehicles entering and exiting construction sites will be ordered to clean their truck tires of mud or other dirt before using the roads inside the Village. Delivery personnel of trucks or carriers shall be required to sweep spills and other debris from the streets of the Village. Oil and grease stains should likewise be scrubbed off the pavement. Dumping of used grease and/or oil into the drainage shall not be allowed. A fine of ₱1,000.00 shall be imposed on any violation hereof which shall be deducted from the cash bond.
4.2.4 Damage to the road and sidewalk caused by any truck or heavy equipment, the cost of repair works shall be charged to the Owner/Resident to whom the heavy equipment is bound.
4.2.5 No materials, including scrap lumber, used cement bags, etc. and equipment or supplies will be allowed to exit from the Village without the authorization of the property owner concerned.
4.3 Construction materials. All kinds of materials for use in the construction, i.e. gravel, sand, lumber, concrete blocks, etc. or excavated or excess materials must be placed within the perimeter of the construction site. Failure to comply with this will prompt the Association to suspend the construction and to hire men to dispose of excess and excavated materials and charge the corresponding expenses to the owner, contractor and/or builder.
4.4 Use of sidewalk during construction. As a general rule, sidewalk area fronting the street is for pedestrian use only. Utilizing sidewalk as temporary storage of construction materials is strictly prohibited. In the event that property owner wishes to renovate or build the front perimeter fence or the driveway area, they can enclose the sidewalk provided that a DVA written approval is secured and a fee of ₱200.00 per day is paid until the works is completely done. The maximum enclosure allowed by the Association is 60 calendar days upon the approval of the permit. In this case, the sidewalk area excluding the planting strip must be fenced with G.I. sheets or tarpaulin. Preservation of the trees on the said sidewalk is the responsibility of the Owner and is subject to Article IV Section 3.13.
4.5 Fence around construction sites
4.5.1 Prior to start of construction/renovation, the Owner shall require his Contractor to provide the required temporary fence made of G.I. sheet in green paint finish with height of 20ft. or 4.87 meters measured from the highest sidewalk level at the boundary fronting the street to keep an orderly appearance and to avoid accident during the construction period. The construction boundaries not fronting a street shall be provided with green tarpaulin fence. The construction fence shall be properly braced or supported with galvanized iron (G.I.) or steel pipes with steel clamp prior to start of construction or renovation to prevent them from collapsing that may cause injury to persons or damage to property. The fence around the site should have a height of 6.8 m measured from the highest sidewalk level. During impending inclement weather, these tarpaulin fences shall be rolled up and secured in order to avoid their collapse from strong wind and rain.
4.5.2 The fence shall be constantly restored and fixed firmly, especially in the front, to continuously look spic and span during the construction. This construction fence shall first be built before any actual construction work will be started. At any given time, nothing is allowed to be painted, attached or hanged thereon, except the building permit issued by the Makati City Hall.
4.5.3 Fences around the site serve as protective cover of the immediate neighbors from falling debris and dust from the construction jobs.
4.5.4 Contractor/builder shall use water suppression on construction jobs that create large amounts of dust like sweeping, grit blasting, soft-strip demolition and the jobs that involve the use of power tools such as cut – off saws, grinders, breakers and sanders to minimize dust from entering the immediate neighbors.
4.6 Schedule of Inspection & Fees
4.6.1 Pre-construction inspection. The DVA Architect-Inspector or DVA authorized inspectors shall conduct an ocular inspection prior to commencement of work for Minor Renovation and Major Renovation works to determine existing violations. All applications for Minor and Major Renovation works with existing building violation/s must first be corrected and shall be included in the scope of works being applied for prior to the approval and issuance of work permit.
A maximum 30% of the total enclosed floor area to be repaired and/or renovated shall be considered as Minor Renovation works. If the floor area to be renovated and/or covers 31% to 80% of the existing house total floor area, the scope of work shall be considered as Major Renovation. In excess of 80% shall be considered as New Construction works.
4.6.2 Inspection during construction. The Association will, from time to time, send inspectors to the construction site to inspect and verify the works. For any violation of restrictions as found, the Association may suspend the work or oblige the Owner, Contractor and / or Builder to conform to the restrictions. The DVA Consultant Inspector, retained by the Association shall undertake a monthly schedule of inspection on construction jobs.
4.6.3 Final inspection. The resident/owner should file the request for final inspection with original copy of official receipt and final inspection should be made prior to release of cash bond.
4.6.4 Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the Association from conducting intermittent inspections of the construction work in addition to the above-specified inspection schedule to ensure compliance with the approved plans as well as the Rules and Regulations of the Association.
4.7 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (CGLI) / CARI. Contractor/builders shall submit Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (CGLI) or Contractor’s All Risk Insurance (CARI) or Third-Party Liability Insurance prior to start of construction, to cover liability for any injury or death to persons and for damages to properties.
New Construction/Major Renovation (with basement and excavation works):
₱20,000,000.00 | Combined single limit for bodily injury & property damage |
₱20,000,000.00 | Annual aggregate |
New Construction/Major & Minor Renovation/ Demolition (without basement & excavation works):
₱5,000,000.00 | Combined single limit for bodily injury & property damage |
₱5,000,000.00 | Annual aggregate |
4.8 Cash bond. A Guarantee Deposit (refundable) and processing & inspection fee shall be deposited with the Association by the owner before the start of the construction to guarantee faithful compliance with the approved plans and Village Rules & Regulations, payable upon submittal of plans for approval by the Association, viz:
Guarantee Deposit | Processing Fee | Processing & Inspection Fee |
New Construction | ₱2,000.00/sq.m. of lot | 5% of bond ₱5,000.00 x 40 months |
Major Renovation | ₱1,000.00/sq.m. of lot | 5% of bond ₱5,000.00 x 24 months |
Minor Renovation | ₱500.00/sq.m. of lot | 5% of bond |
House Demolition | ₱500.00/sq.m. of lot | 5% of bond |
Addition | ₱5,000/sq.m. of floor area | 5% of bond or ₱10, 000.00 whichever is higher |
Miscellaneous Repairs | ₱75,000.00 | ₱3,000.00 |
Generator Set Installation | ₱50,000.00 | ₱3,000.00 |
Fence | ₱50, 000.00 | ₱3, 000.00 |
Re-painting works | ₱15,000.00 | ₱2,000.00 |
4.9 Refund of bond. The Guarantee Deposit is refundable after the construction is completed and determined to be in compliance with approved plans. The Guarantee Deposit herein provided shall be forfeited in favor of the Association in the event that there is deviation or violation of the approved construction plans without prejudice on the right of the Association to compel correction of the violation.
DVA inspector/s will inspect the property a day before or on last day of the prescribed completion period (PCP) to check the compliance to the DVA Rules. Failure to allow DVA inspector/s to conduct an inspection will result to forfeiture of guaranty deposit. Any construction bond not claimed within five (5) years from the date it is deposited with DVA shall be forfeited in favor of DVA.
The Guarantee Deposit shall only be released upon clearance from DVA Inspector, Chairman of the Building Committee and the concurrence of the President.
The guaranty deposit will be returned in the following manner:
- Fifty percent (50%) percent of the bond upon the request
- Fifty percent (50%) percent after a month together with the signed waiver authorizing DVA to remove anything they constructed outside of the approved plans at any time at the Owner’s cost.
4.10 Sanitation
4.10.1 Toilet facilities. New construction job shall provide portalets on site and must apply immediately for sewer connection. Major, minor and other construction permits approved by DVA shall use their existing toilets tapped to our centralized sewer system. Appropriate enclosures for bathing and toilet facilities of the construction workers shall be provided where they should wash or bathe. If the construction has no existing toilet facilities tapped to the main centralized sewer line, the property owner must apply for a connection with Manila Water Corporation Inc. (MWCI) and must be installed prior to start of construction or renovation.
4.10.2 Garbage and construction materials. Dumping garbage, construction refuse, excavated soil materials and other debris on vacant lots is prohibited by the Association. Contractors/builders are required to provide their jobsite with covered bins “PLASTIC” with flip cover and plastic bag inside where food scraps should be placed and be covered tightly to prevent insects such as ants, flies and cockroaches from spreading. The plastic bags containing the food scraps shall be brought out of the Village daily by the contractor. Construction debris and excess soil shall be removed from the sidewalk within the day by the Contractor. Excavated soil or heavy construction materials which are obviously not the ordinary household garbage shall be hauled out and disposed of properly by the Contractor. Provide the following number of garbage bins on the following districts:
4.10.3 The cleanliness and sanitation of the construction area and the sidewalk and streets fronting it is the sole responsibility of the contractor/builder.
4.10.3.a Refusal to allow entry of uniformed security officer of the Association in the premises under construction at any time of the day or night while on official inspection shall be considered a violation.
4.11 Construction violations
4.11.1 Overnight stay-in laborers. Only two (2) men are allowed to stay overnight in any construction site. The two-man-rule shall be strictly enforced from 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. on non-holidays. No additional persons shall be allowed within a construction site during said hours. On holidays, the rule applies from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. The names, photographs and other personal data of each of said two (2) laborers shall be submitted to the security officer of the Association. A violation is considered if any person not so registered is found in the premises. Authorized stay-in laborers must be instructed to be quiet, orderly, and discouraged from roaming around the Village during curfew hours from 6:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M.
The following corresponding fines are to be deducted from the cash deposited based on stay overnight in the construction project:
First Violation | ₱1,000.00 plus ₱100.00 per person in excess of 2 |
Second Violation | ₱2,000.00 plus ₱200.00 per person in excess of 2 |
Third Violation | ₱4,000.00 plus ₱400.00 per person in excess of 2 |
Fourth Violation | Forfeiture of total cash bond |
4.11.1.a Jobsites with stay-ins workers are required to open the gates during inspection of uniformed security officer at night from 6:00PM to 9:00PM, Mondays to Fridays and 1:00PM to 3:00PM, 6:00PM to 9:00PM during Saturdays. Provide one (1) buzzer per construction jobsites. Noncompliance to this rule shall be considered a violation.
4.11.1.b Refusal to permit entry of the uniformed security officer of the Association or any of his uniformed subordinates in the premises under construction at any time of the day or night while on official inspection shall be considered a violation of this rule.
4.11.1.c Upon the discovery of any violation of this rule at any time of the night, the registered and unregistered persons shall be escorted out of Dasmariñas Village. If warranted, the unregistered persons may be surrendered to the Makati Police authorities.
4.11.1.d The foregoing rule shall also apply to caretakers of untenanted house in Dasmariñas Village, provided, however, that houses shall be considered vacant of tenants either from the completion of its construction until its occupancy by tenants or when its occupants have vacated the premises permanently and not only for vacation or home leave abroad.
4.11.1.e Approval of all new construction and/or renovations shall be subjected to this rule; exempted however, are renovations of inhabited premises, where no laborer shall be allowed to stay overnight nor at daytime on holidays.
4.11.2 Other fines and penalties.
4.11.2.a Utilizing sidewalk and street areas as working site for cement mixing, carpentry and steel works, and other construction work activities.
4.11.2.b Excavation or construction litters or concrete spillage at pre-construction, during construction or after construction activity on sidewalk or street areas.
4.11.2.c Noise disturbance (from 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M.)
4.11.2.d Such other construction mal-practices will be evaluated and corresponding fines imposed on a case-to-case basis.
First Violation | ₱1,000.00 |
Second Violation | ₱3,000.00, contractor will be called in for a meeting and the property owner will be informed |
Third Violation | ₱5,000.00, work stoppage for three (3) days and the property owner will be informed |
Fourth Violation | Suspension of work until lifted by DVA |
4.11.3 Prescribed completion period. The following are the prescribed completion period (PCP) within which to complete house building, repairs and installation works:
Nature of Work | Prescribed Completion Period (PCP) |
New House Construction | 40 months 6 |
Major Renovation | 24 months |
Minor Renovation | 6 months |
Additional Structure | 6 months |
House Demolition | 2 months |
Miscellaneous Works | 2 months |
Fencing Works | 1 month |
Generator Set Installation | 1 month |
Repainting Works | 2 months |
To ensure compliance with the prescribed completion period (PCP), the following penalty scheme shall be imposed if not completed from periods listed below:7
New Construction | Not Completed within 40 months – Forfeiture of the entire guaranty deposit LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1 Month Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 40 * 1 = Penalty 2 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 40 * 2 = Penalty 3 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 40 * 3 = Penalty So on and so forth … Equivalent to purchasing 1 month extension for every month extended |
Major Renovation | Not Completed within 24 months – Forfeiture of the entire guaranty deposit LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1 Month Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 24 * 1 = Penalty 2 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 24 * 2 = Penalty 3 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 24 * 3 = Penalty So on and so forth … Equivalent to purchasing 1 month extension for every month extended |
Minor Renovation and Additional Structure | Not Completed within 6 months – Forfeiture of the entire guaranty deposit LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1 Month Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 6 * 1 = Penalty 2 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 6 * 2 = Penalty 3 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 6 * 3 = Penalty So on and so forth … Equivalent to purchasing 1 month extension for every month extended |
Demolition | Not Completed within 60 days – Forfeiture of the entire guaranty deposit LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1 Month Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 1 = Penalty 2 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 2 = Penalty 3 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 3 = Penalty So on and so forth … Equivalent to purchasing 1 month extension for every month extended |
Miscellaneous Repairs, Painting Works, Fencing, Generator Set Installation | Not Completed within 60 days – Forfeiture of the entire guaranty deposit LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: 1 Month Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 1 = Penalty 2 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 2 = Penalty 3 Months Delay – Guarantee Deposit / 2 * 3 = Penalty So on and so forth … Equivalent to purchasing 1 month extension for every month extended |
4.12 Construction working period. Regular work hours for house construction/repair works are from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday to Friday and from 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 NN only on Saturday.
4.13 Overtime Work. Regular work hours for house construction/ repair works are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday and from 8:00 am to 12:00 Noon only on Saturday. Work beyond this period shall be considered as overtime and may be allowed, provided, that the written consent of the immediate neighbors is secured and submitted to DVA office for approval at least one (1) day before the scheduled overtime work and the works to be implemented shall be those that are considered as non- noisy ones.
4.13.1 Sunday Works. Below listed are the criteria for allowing works on Sundays.
- Only emergency house repairs like plumbing, roofing and electrical repairs are allowed.
- No noisy works or any works that can be constructed as a disturbance to immediate neighbors
- Workers must have a valid DVA maintenance ID.
4.14 Work on Holidays. Only the following items of work are allowed during Holidays upon formal prior request to, and approved by the Association, viz:
- Concrete Masonry
- Plastering
- Laying of tiles
- Plumbing and Installation of Fixtures
- Electrical
- Landscaping
- Concrete-mixing and pouring will be allowed only prior permission from the Association one week before the date of certification of inspection that such is unavoidable.
4.14.1 No hammering or noise is allowed, in consideration of the peace and quiet of the neighborhood and in view of the residential atmosphere of the community.
4.15 Road Closure. All Contractors and/or Owners requesting for temporary road closure to implement concrete pouring using ready mix trucks shall be subject to the following conditions:
4.15.1 The contractor and/or Owner shall submit a letter of request stating the date and time of the intended road closure, together with the written consent of the affected neighbors.
4.15.2 The Contractor and/or Owner shall pay the corresponding permit fee of ₱2,000.00 for each day the road is to be closed.
4.15.3 The Contractor and/or Owner shall provide all safety measures, early warning devices (EWD and the like within the perimeter of the closed road
4.15.4 The Contractor and/or Owner shall provide two (2) persons to be stationed to at least twenty (20) meters away from the closed road at both ends, to direct traffic.
4.15.5 Only one (1) truck at a time shall be allowed to enter the village.
4.15.6 The contractor and/or Owner shall be responsible for maintaining cleanliness at the road site shall ensure that said site free from all debris and excess cements and/or waste materials. In case of violation, a corresponding penalty shall be imposed.
4.14.7 In case of damage to properties and injury to persons, the contractor/Owner shall be solely responsible for all such damage.
4.14.8 Any violation of the foregoing conditions shall result in the suspension of the work permit.
5.1 That the guaranty deposit will only be released completely after the submission of certified as- built plans with undertaking to Dasmariñas Village Association and after the inspection (Including pictures).
5.2 DVA reserves the right to make an inspection of the property even if the guaranty deposit has been refunded to ensure that the Building Rules and Regulations of DVA are strictly followed and if violations are committed, DVA has the right to impose the appropriate penalty and or require the property owner to rectify the violation.
5.3 In the event that the building construction is suspended for a period of three (3) months or more, the construction deposit shall be forfeited by the Association for nuisance and/or damages caused by the cessation of construction and failure with time limits.
5.4 Contractors should not leave the premises of their newly constructed houses without properly cleaning the area surrounding the construction from garbage and surplus building materials.
5.5 Future residents should advise the Association forty-eight hours in advance before moving into their new house in order that proper security and arrangements for garbage collection may be made on time.
6.1 Utility or service companies who shall undertake any works within the Village (service connections, repairs, excavations/diggings, etc.) shall first apply for and secure the appropriate permit from the Association. For excavation works, the utility service company must first apply and submit plans covering the digging which must be in compliance with the requirements, rules and regulations of the Association on the same.
6.2 Any damage to the property of the Association and physical improvements in the Village and/or that of any owner/resident that may be caused by any digging shall be the full liability and responsibility of the utility/service company as well as the Owner/Resident, if any, for whom the digging was performed. The same must be corrected /restored immediately and, if possible, even before the completion of the digging itself. The area excavated must be restored to its original state or better and in accordance with the restoration standards prescribed by the Association.
6.3 A amount to be determined by the Association shall be required as cash bond of the utility/service company or its authorized contractor to cover damages caused against properties of the Association or any resident, fine for any violation, and the cost of restoring the excavated and damaged portion of the street or sidewalk if to be undertaken by the Association. Inspection and processing fee shall be ¼ of 10% of the bond or ten thousand pesos (₱10,000.00) whichever is higher. DVA upon its discretion has the authority to increase/ adjust when necessary to a higher bond. The balance of cash bond may be forfeited, in whole or in part, for failure to correct the violation upon receipt of notice, but with the violation to remain as a violation that is subject for correction/ rectification at the utility/service company’s expense.
Section 1. Accounts, Fines, Penalties and their Interests
1.1. Annual Membership Dues and Miscellaneous Fees. Annual membership dues and miscellaneous fees are demandable on January 1st of each year and payable not later than February 28th of the same year. Membership dues are assessed per square meter.
1.2. Garbage fees for houses are payable in advance for one year. A separate fee per year will be charged building constructions, which will be applicable for the duration of the project.
1.3. Penalty Interests. A monthly penalty interest equivalent to prevailing bank interest rates shall be applied to all overdue accounts commencing 30 days after date of first billing plus necessary liquidated damages upon failure to settle account/s within 60 days from due date/s.
1.4. Guidance of Payment of Dues. Payment of annual dues by tenants will apply to cover the period of their lease contract. Unpaid accounts by the previous tenant will be the responsibility of the landlord.
1.5. Refund of Dues. Request for refunds of Association dues paid in advance by lessees or tenants will not be refunded, as the dues constitute a lien and obligation of the land, and are payable on an annual basis. Requests for refunds when made by tenants must be therefore be referred to the owner of the property who will make the refund, being a party to the contract of lease. When the tenants pay dues, the receipt should be in the name of the landowner, c/o tenant and the tenant should be informed when payment is made that it is not refundable.
Section 2. Traffic Regulations
2.1 Speed limit. The speed limit in Dasmariñas Village is 30 KPH, except along the main roads, i.e. Pasay Road, Palm Avenue, and Dasmariñas Avenue which is 40 KPH, or any speed authorized by the Board of Governors.
2.2 Over Speeding. Over speeding and other traffic infractions in the area are subject to appropriate action by the Board.
2.3 Practice Driving / Car Racing. Practice driving inside the Village is prohibited by the Association. This rule covers motorcycles and/or any motorized vehicle. Violators of this regulation will be apprehended by the Village police; and car and/or motorcycle racing is also prohibited inside the Village.
Section 3. Security Control
3.1 Car Stickers. All types of commercial vehicles, with or without stickers, are prohibited to garage or park inside the residence or park on the street overnight. Vehicles of residents must be provided with the prescribed DVA car sticker for identification purposes. A clear photocopy of the car registration bearing the name of the resident must be submitted for DVA file. If the car is under lease purchase, a photocopy of the Lease Agreement from the company President is needed. The car sticker will be affixed on the car by DVA personnel. It is, therefore, necessary to bring the car to the DVA office. Costs of car stickers will be based on reasonable and nominal charges as set by the Board.
3.2 Filing of Cases against Culprits. In cases of burglary, theft, or other crimes committed in the Village where culprits are apprehended or identified, the Association may offer legal assistance thru its legal counsel to the victimized residents.
3.3 On Minors. The security guards in the area are under instructions to take under their custody or conduct to their respective homes minors (children or relatives of Dasmariñas Village residents) caught committing any of the following offenses:
3.3.1 Over-speeding. Not observing the speed limits in the area.
3.3.2 Vandalism, Etc. Such as defacing, destroying or making inoperative street signs, trees and/or private gardens, writing, painting or defacing Association and private properties; permitting pets or other animals to destroy plants of the Association and/or private gardens; hunting and/or shooting birds, causing loud noises while in the streets and sidewalks; unmoral and immoral acts such as public necking, petting, etc.
3.3.3 Special Holiday: Halloween. Customary Halloween practice of the children roaming the Village streets must conform to the regulations of the Association as to curfew time. Children and minors going from house-to-house will be accompanied by residents of legal age. This practice shall be permissible for residents’ children and their guests only; children and minors desiring to conduct Halloween visitation and who are not residents of the Village shall obtain written permission from the Association office 48 hours before the time desired. A violation of the latter shall entitle the security guards to take the necessary action of escorting the children out of the Village area.
3.4 Private Guards. Residents are enjoined to secure prior clearance from the Security Committee before hiring private guards for their residences. Private residential guards hired by residents in the area are required to register with the Association, post Comprehensive General Liability Insurance (CGLI) in the amount of one million pesos (₱1,000,000.00) and secure their Identification Cards. These ID cards are left at the gates when the guards check in and out at the gates for security and control purposes.
3.5 Guards Service for Parties. Residents holding parties in the Village, involving more than 30 guests are requested to retain at least a guard from the Association’s security agency to attend to traffic and parking in the immediate vicinity, as well as to prevent vandalism to sidewalk trees and neighboring gardens and undue littering by the drivers or guests. The cost of this service is at least ₱100.00 per guard or as may be fixed by the Board. These security arrangements may be made with the Association or through the Village Security Officer at the Security Headquarters.
3.6 Garage Sale. Residents leaving the Village and contemplating a sale of their household effects are required to secure prior clearance from the Security Committee.
3.7 I.D. for Domestic help. For better control of entry of unauthorized persons in the area, residents are required to oblige their domestic help to secure identification card from the office of the Association. A nominal fee of ₱50.00 will be charged for temporary ID with one-month validity and ₱100.00 will be charged for regular ID with one-year validity. I.D. cards shall be turned in by the domestic help to their employers when the former leaves the employment. The residents will then surrender them to the office of the Association or to the Village Security Detachment as soon as possible.
- ID Requirements: NBI or National Police Clearance
3.8 Drug Testing Requirement. A mandatory drug test shall be required prior to issuance of DVA ID to the following for the safety of the Village:
- All residents’ household staff
- Construction workers
- Agency personnel assigned to DVA
3.9 Curfew on Domestic Help. To ensure proper security and check on persons roaming the streets of the Village after 10:00 P.M., all residents are enjoined to restrict the movement of their domestic help from 10:00 P.M. to 5:00 A.M. the next day.
Section 4. Environment and Sanitation
4.1 Cutting and trimming of trees. Trees along the sidewalks of the main streets on Acacia, Palm Ave., Paraiso, Banyan, Pasay Road, Dasmarinas Ave., Amorsolo, Lumbang, Mahogany and Tamarind Roads are preserved and protected for ecological balance and cutting is strictly prohibited and will not be permitted. Cutting of sidewalk trees without DVA Board’s written approval will mean forfeiture of total Guarantee Deposit.
4.1.1 DVA owns all sidewalks and planting strips in the Village. DVA reserves the right to manage the population of trees planted along planting strips, including without limitation by providing for the species and quantity of trees that shall be planted on such planting strips.
4.1.2 Planting or cutting of trees planted on the planting strips requires the prior written approval of DVA.
- DVA may impose conditions on the planting of trees, including without limitation that the trees to be planted shall (a) be selected by DVA from among DVA’s list of approved trees and (b) shall be planted by DVA along the planting strip at the Owner’s expense.
- DVA may impose conditions on the cutting of trees, including without limitation that: (a) the trees to be cut are considered by DVA to be undesirable trees and (b) replacement trees (selected by DVA from among DVA’s list of approved trees) shall be planted by DVA along the planting strip at the Owner’s expense.
- Should the government require any approvals for the planting or cutting of trees,the Owner shall have the responsibility of securing such approvals.
- Cutting of trees planted on the planting strips without DVA’s approval shall be subject to a fine of Fifty Thousand Pesos (₱50,000.00) per tree. Moreover, DVA may require the party who cut or caused the cutting of the tree without DVA’s permission to bear the cost of planting a replacement tree. Where the unauthorized cutting of a tree is performed in relation to or in connection with a bonded construction, renovation, demolition, or other project, the unauthorized cutting of the tree will result in the forfeiture of the bond or security deposit.
4.1.3 Trees or plants that may cause injury to pedestrians (including without limitation agave plants or other thorny plants), or prevent the use of, or obstruct the sidewalks, may not be planted on the planting strips nor on any part of the property adjacent to the sidewalk.
4.1.4 DVA reserves the right to remove any trees that were planted on the sidewalks without its approval as well as any trees or plants covered by Section 4.1.3 above. The cost for such removal shall be borne by the party who planted or caused the planting of the tree or plant without DVA’s permission.
4.1.5 DVA may approve the cutting of trees to make way for a driveway, subject to Section above.
4.2 Fire Prevention / Grass Cutting. The owners of vacant lots and residents of Dasmariñas Village are required to have the grass on their property trimmed and maintained at all times to reduce fire hazard. The Association will undertake the cutting and charge the cost and expense of grass cutting to the owner. The latter is under obligation to reimburse the Association within thirty (30) days from receipt of the statement of account. Grass cutting rates shall be fixed by the Board of Governors. Residences with swimming pools will allow the Association the use of their water in cases of emergencies, like fires, etc. and the Association will reimburse them for the cost of water used.
4.3 Stray Dogs and Cats. Dogs and cats must be kept within the premises of the lot and taken out only under leash.
4.3.1 Stray dogs and cats caught by the Security Team shall be brought to the DVA Security Office and the owners notified thereof. Unless claimed within 48 hours after notification, the pets will be disposed of accordingly. The residents concerned shall be required to pay a penalty of ₱1,000.00 or as may be fixed by the Board for each dog or cat recovered by the Security Team plus expenses for maintenance of the animal.
4.3.2 No dogs shall be allowed in the parks at any time. A fine in the amount of ₱1,000.00 is imposed on vicious stray dogs that have bitten pedestrians, in addition to whatever civil action that may be instituted by the offended party. This fine is intended to require owners of vicious dogs to confine and leash their pets within the premises of their homes.
4.4 Prohibited animals. No cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks, geese, roosters, reptiles or rabbits shall be maintained on the lots, except that pets may be maintained but must be controlled in accordance with the rulings of the Association.
Section 5. Prohibited Activities in the Village
5.1 Soliciting/Advertising. The Association prohibits the distribution of any advertising materials to the residents of the Village, either, through the guards of the Association or the representative of the firm. The Association is prohibited from releasing list of residents and telephone number for the purpose of solicitations, advertisements and the like, unless so expressed by the Board. House-to-house agents, canvassers or solicitors are not permitted inside the Village.
5.2 Advertising signs. Commercial or advertising signs shall not be placed, constructed, or erected on the lots. “For Sale” and “For Rent” signs are allowed in private properties and not inhibited by the “No Commercial Signs” regulation, provided that the size of the signs will be limited to 12″ x 24″. Advertising signs for architects, building contractors, and construction materials are also allowed only during the period of construction, provided that said signs are installed within the premises of the building construction and shall be removed after the completion of the building. Name plates and professional signs of homeowners are permitted so long as they do not exceed 80 cm. x 40 cm. in size.
5.3 Open fires. Building fires in the open at the construction site or in any household premises is prohibited.
Section 6. Use of village facilities
6.1 Parks and playgrounds
6.1.1 In the case of games played at night, the Sports Complex Coordinators upon proper request and arrangement will turn on lighting facilities;
6.1.2 During play hours, security and necessary protection will be provided in the park to see to it that groups and other users that are allowed under official reservations enjoy free use of the facilities during the period allotted;
6.1.3 Cases or incidents occurring in the park during play hours are requested to be reported to the nearest guard for appropriate attention and/or action;
6.1.4 No motorcycles/motorbikes are allowed in the park at any time;
6.1.5 Children are discouraged from playing on the streets. They must be brought to the parks for the purpose;
6.1.6 Teenagers and/or children are prohibited from hanging around and/or playing in the construction sites; and
6.1.7 The Association is not liable for accidents or injuries as a result of games or use of park facilities.
6.2 Basketball Gym
6.2.1 Game Reservations and Time Schedules. Teams, players and other groups that desire to use the basketball courts are required to make reservations with the Chairman of the Sports Committee through the office at Campanilla Street. Reservations for scheduled games listed with the office shall be strictly on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Teams, players and groups with a minimum membership of at least five (5) shall be allowed to make reservations for the court at any scheduled time. A maximum of two (2) hours shall be allowed to any team of players and other groups, and when no reservation is made for the succeeding hours at the same date, teams and/or groups on the court may be allowed to extend their allotted time. To allow bonafide residents to use the gym, no reservation shall be made during the following schedules:
a. Saturdays | 6:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Games may resume from 7:15 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. |
b. Sundays | 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. |
6.2.2 All games, official or not, shall be permitted only up to 9:00 P.M. in order that residents living close to the park will not be disturbed.
6.2.3 Players using the gym are required to use the proper playing shoes and basketball uniforms.
6.2.4 Players are required to present their reservation receipt before the start of the game.
6.2.5 Cancellation of games shall be made three (3) days ahead of time, otherwise, the time reserved is considered as played and charged accordingly.
6.2.6 Games affected by “brown-out” shall be allowed to extend their time, provided, that the duration of “brown-out” shall not exceed one hour. Succeeding reservation shall also be extended accordingly. Games affected by more than one (1) hour power failure shall be rescheduled on the earliest available dates.
6.2.8 Reimbursement of electrical, maintenance and other expenses are necessary to cover such costs. The rates may be revised by the Board in keeping with any adjustments in the cost of electricity and related services. Rates are:
Campanilla Park (Covered Gym) | |
With lights | ₱1,600 / hour |
Without lights | ₱1,200 / hour |
6.3 Tennis Court
6.3.1 Reservation for the tennis court starts at 7:00 A.M. from Monday to Saturday, on a first- come-first-served basis. Telephone reservations are not entertained until 9:00 A.M.
6.3.2 The tennis court opens from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. daily. All reservations are payable in advance. The Association reserves the right to cancel any reservation made when the player refuses to pay the required rates as follows: Court alone (daytime – ₱200.00/hour and night time – ₱250.00/hour). Additional ₱50.00 for guest. The Board may revise these rates, depending on the actual cost of electricity and other charges.
6.3.3 Heads of families and their spouses will have priority on the use of the court over the dependents. Saturday afternoons and the whole day of Sunday shall be reserved exclusively for heads of families and their spouses.
6.3.4 Only residents of Dasmariñas are entitled to use the tennis court, provided they make the necessary reservation three (3) days in advance of the actual date of use. No single residents will be allowed more than 3 reservations a week, and they are entitled to a total of two (2) hours a day, to avoid monopoly of the court.
6.3.5 Players may hire and bring their own trainers. If interested, a trainer is available at the Clubhouse who is not an employee of the Association.
6.3.6 Cancellation of reservation will be made one (1) day ahead of time, otherwise, the time reserved is considered as played and the corresponding fee is forfeited. Cancelled reservation may be rescheduled upon proper arrangement with the reservation office of the Clubhouse.
6.3.7 All players will be in proper playing uniform and rubber shoes. Players will provide themselves with tennis rackets and balls. The Association is not liable for any loss of equipment in the premises.
Section 7. Garbage Collection, Disposal and Fees
7.1 Collection Time of Garbage. Waste collection schedule for residuals, garden wastes, kitchen wastes are as follows:
Solid Waste (Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday & Saturdays) | 6:00PM |
Garden Waste and Trimmings (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays) | 6:00PM |
7.2 Garbage Disposal. The members of Dasmariñas Village are required to dispose their garbage thru the use of plastic trash bags provided by the Association. The cost of the trash bags more than the allocated of one (1) per day is charged to the residents.
7.3 All residents of Dasmariñas Village will dispose of their garbage through the garbage collection service provided by the Association.
7.4 This assessment for garbage fee shall be paid to the office of the Association in advance, along with the payment of Association dues.
7.5 Sanitation services include pest control programs in public areas.
Section 8. General Cleanliness & Safety
For the sake of cleanliness, safety and stature of our Village, the members and the residents are enjoined to observe the following rules:
8.1 Pedicabs, horse-drawn vehicles (i.e. caretelas, carromatas) and pushcarts are not allowed entrance into the Village except for children’s party; provided that the horses are properly provided with adequate chamber pots to avoid littering the streets with wastes. Public utilities can enter the Village if they are occupied by residents or their visitors, and those delivering to the Village’s needs. Passenger public utilities authorized by the Dasmariñas Village Association may transport passengers within the Village area only and under the supervision and control of the Board of Governors thru its Security Committee.
8.2 Persons other than members, residents and their guests or visitors are not permitted to loiter or wander aimlessly in our Village. Vagrants will not be tolerated. Household helpers will avoid loitering outside their respective houses.
8.3 Guards will see to it that no construction crew or resident use water from the water line without the required water meter or permit to have water connection from Manila Water Corporation Inc. (MWCI).
8.4 All types of commercial vehicles are prohibited to garage or park inside the residence or park on the street overnight.
Section 9. Police Protection
In addition to the Police Security of the Association, the Makati Metropolitan Police Force renders police assistance and protection to residents of Dasmariñas Village.
Section 10. Noise & Public Nuisance
Consideration must be extended and maintained for the privacy and peace of the neighbors in the Village. Unnecessary horn tooting, annoying sounds, noisy vehicles’ muffler, loud and amplified music, must be avoided and/or prevented. It is prohibited to use cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles which has been installed gadgets to create additional noise and/or sound, nor to use such vehicles which have been modified by removal or otherwise, of gadgets so as to produce additional noise or sound. Vehicle owners are enjoined to install silencers or noise suppressors.
Social gatherings are allowed only up to 12:00 midnight. Party holders after this hour are requested to tone done the volume of their music. Parties for domestic help are prohibited.
Section 11. Sightseeing
Sightseeing in Dasmariñas Village must have a corresponding prior written permit from the Association. However, sightseeing parties under proper tour guides which may not have the permit for lack of arrangement or time, can contact the security officer at the Security Headquarters and make proper representation for entrance. The security officer is given discretion to act under the circumstances, and shall assign a guard to serve as guide and escort within the Village.
Section 12. Miscellaneous Provisions
12.1 Carport/Pedestrian Gates. Carport/pedestrian gates that open toward the sidewalk will always be closed after using, so as not to obstruct and hamper the free use of the sidewalk pavement.
12.2 Playing Golf. Playing golf on vacant lots is not allowed by the Association.
12.3 Motorcycles, Etc. Residents’ motorcycles must be provided with Village’s stickers and proper reflectors for identification and safety purposes and safety purposes must be parked at the garage area of the property at all times when not in use.
The following shall be the minimum fines/penalties which shall be collected for various offenses committed in violation of the provision of the rules and regulations:
Section 1. Building and Construction Violations
1.1 Absence of approved plans on site during inspection | ₱500.00 |
1.2 Spills/muddy tires/oil & grease stains etc. on streets caused by delivery trucks | ₱1,000.00 |
1.3 Fence around construction sites | ₱1,000.00 |
1.4 Garbage and construction materials | ₱1,000.00 |
1.5 Overnight stay-in workers | |
First Violation | ₱1,000.00 plus ₱100.00 for every excess of 2 |
Second Violation | ₱2,000.00 plus ₱200.00 per person in excess of 2 |
Third Violation | ₱4,000.00 plus ₱400.00 per person in excess of 2 |
Fourth Violation | Forfeiture of total cash bond |
1.6 Road Closure | ₱2,000.00 per day |
1.7 Other fines and penalties | |
First violation | ₱1,000.00 |
Second violation | ₱3,000.00, contractor will be called in for a meeting and the property owner will be informed |
Third violation | ₱5,000.00, work stoppage for three (3) days and the property owner will be informed |
Fourth violation | Suspension of work until lifted by DVA |
1.8 Rendering early work and working during noon break | ₱500.00 |
1.9 Littering of workers outside the jobsite area | ₱500.00 |
1.10 Incomplete PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) | ₱500.00 |
1.11 Unauthorized removal of board-ups | ₱500.00 |
1.12 Excavation of road and sidewalks without DVA permit | ₱1,000.00 |
1.13 Failure to secure DVA road/sidewalk closure | ₱1,000.00 |
1.14 Unloading of construction materials along the roads/sidewalks | ₱1,000.00 |
1.15 Absence of mixing board during concrete pouring | ₱1,000.00 |
Section 2. Environment and Sanitation Violations
2.1 Stray dogs and cats | ₱1,000.00 |
2.2 Roaming/walking of dog without leash | ₱1,000.00 |
2.3 Dogs not allowed within the park (6:00AM to 6:00PM) | ₱500.00 |
2.4 Urinating at sidewalks /vacant lots | ₱1,000.00 |
2.5 Failure to clean-up/remove animal wastes | ₱2,500.00 |
2.6 Littering along the street | ₱1,000.00 |
2.7 Urinating at sidewalks/vacant lots | ₱1,000.00 |
Section 3. Security Violations
3.1 Possession of fake DVA vehicular tags / stickers | ₱10,000.00 plus filling of illegal charges |
3.2 Unauthorized use of DVA vehicular tags / stickers | ₱10,000.00 |
3.3 Sale/possession and use of illegal drugs | ₱5,000.00 and will be turned over to the Police |
3.4 Vandalism or damaging/destroying Village property | ₱5,000.00 |
3.5 Driving under the influence of liquor or prohibited drugs | ₱5,000.00 and will be turned over to the Police |
3.6 Conveying VISA applicants or any unauthorized person into the Village | ₱3,000.00 |
3.7 Use of air guns, BB guns, etc. | ₱3,000.00 and will be turned over to the Police |
Section 4. Traffic and Parking Violations
4.1 Disregarding traffic signs / traffic officers | ₱500.00 |
4.2 Smoke belching | ₱1,000.00 |
4.3 Reckless driving | ₱1,000.00 |
4.4 Obstructing traffic | ₱500.00 |
4.5 Driving without headlights | ₱500.00 |
4.6 Not wearing helmet while driving a motorcycle | ₱500.00 |
4.7 Driving without license / failure to show license | ₱1,000.00 |
4.8 Illegal parking (No parking areas, along curbs, driveways, gutter, red paint and fire hydrant) | ₱500.00 |
4.9 Permanent parking (stalled / defective vehicles) | ₱500.00 |
4.10 Illegal counter flow | ₱1,000.00 |
4.11 Overnight parking of non-residents and commercial vehicle | ₱500.00/day |
4.12 Use of any motor vehicle with open mufflers or loud horns | ₱500.00 |
4.13 Practice driving | ₱1,000.00 |
4.14 Over speeding | ₱500.00 |
4.15 Engine running while parking/waiting (R.A 9749) | ₱1,000.00 |
4.16 Cutting corners | ₱1,000.00 |
4.17 No entry at one-way signs | ₱500.00 |
4.18 Two (2) parking rule violation | |
1st offense | ₱500.00 |
2nd offense | ₱700.00 |
3rd offense | ₱1,000.00 |
4.19 Illegal parking at PWD parking lots | ₱3,000.00 |
Section 5. Miscellaneous Violations
5.1 Failure to secure DVA I.D. for transient workers | ₱500.00 |
5.2 Major repairs of vehicle along the street | ₱500.00 |
5.3 Unauthorized advertisements and distribution of pamphlets, brochures, etc. | ₱500.00 |
5.4 Using Village streets/sidewalks/ empty lots to display any item for sale | ₱500.00 |
5.5 Unauthorized cutting/trimming of trees located on the sidewalk | ₱500.00 |
5.6 Curfew violation (10 P.M. – 5.A.M.) for stay-in household/domestic staff | ₱1,000.00 with blotter to the Barangay |
5.7 Bringing liquor or any alcoholic beverages by household / domestic staff | ₱1,000.00 |
5.8 Burning of garbage and other waste materials (R.A 3749) | ₱1,000.00 |
5.9 Disturbing the peace | ₱500.00 |
5.10 Cruelty/inflicting harm on animals | ₱500.00 |
5.11 Gambling in public areas and collection of gambling bets | ₱1,000.00 and will be turned over to the Barangay |
5.12 Conveying of any personnel into the village without DVA ID | ₱500.00 |
The Dasmariñas Village Association has the right to prescribe the rules and regulations regarding the occupancy and the use of lots in Dasmariñas Village; amend or cancel existing restrictions; regulate the types or architecture, construction and building plans in the area; make provision for public utilities, fire protection, maintenance and repair of streets, private police protection, etc. as may be desirable for the convenience and good of the residents in the area; provide for the collection of assessments, such assessments shall constitute a lien on the property junior only to liens of the Government for taxes and to voluntary mortgages for sufficient consideration and entered into in good faith. This right is found in the papers of Incorporation, the By-Laws, and subsequent Board Memoranda.
Rules and Regulations and restrictions not presently incorporated in this printing will be issued by the Association in circular form, from time to time.
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1399 ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2025-1416 – Updated from 0.5 m to 2.00 m ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1412 – Updated rules on Setback for Midland District ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1412 – Update on rules for additional non-masonry fence ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1412 – New rules on Solar Collectors ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1399 – Updated from 30 months to 40 months ↩︎
- Board Reso. No. 2024-1412 – Updated penalty scheme ↩︎